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Wlatuje winyl X.x Nie wiem, dziwne mam skojarzenia...

Wrzucam moją okresową jazdę na ŻEEEELEEEE...
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

Wylatuje paczka Haribo (albo Miśków, jak kto woli) ;P

Wrzucam... Shinigami!
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
Wylatuje Notatnik Śmierci z Death Note'a xDDDDD

Wrzucam Japonię!
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

wylatuje kwiat wiśni

wrzucam pluszowego misia
Wylatuje nić

Wrzucam napój owocowy
Wylatuje frugo xD

Wrzucam Creepy :3
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

Wylatują noże.
Wrzucam Joy.
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
Wylatują metalowe zęby xD

Wrzucam Jinx :3
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
Wylatuje JinxX

Wrzucam placki
Every hero has an origin...

wylatują naleśniki

wrzucam morze
wylatuje syrena

wrzucam wampira
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

wylatuje osinowy kołek

wrzucam cebulę
Every hero has an origin...

wylatuje czosnek Gwiazdka :D
wrzucam zeszyt
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
wylatuje szkicownik

wrzucam nokię xD
wylatuje cegła (myślę o 3310 xD)

Wrzucam literę A!
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

Wylatują zmasakrowane szczątki litery A. (nie pytać)

Wrzucam nadgryzionego korniszona Bestia :P
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
wylatują zęby

wrzucam lekarza

Połączony z 13.04.2012 18:07:10:
wylatują zęby

wrzucam lekarza
Edytowane przez Ola26 dnia 2012-04-13, 18:07
wylatują lekarstwa

wrzucam...wrzucam...zimne ognie!

All hail Trigon
Wylatują ciepłe lody xD

Wrzucam maskę Creepy.
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

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