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Wylatują trampki :3

Wrzucam dwumetrowe sznurówki
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

Wylatuje tasiemiec xD

Wrzucam temperówkę!
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
Wylatuje strugaczka xD (do tej chwili nie wiem, co śmiesznego jest w tej nazwie O.o)

Wrzucam Gwiazdkę.
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

Wylatuje pożeracz poczwarek (z dość wypchanym brzuchem xD)

Wrzucam trampki Robina (intensywnie używane) Bestia :P
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
Wylatuje Władca Moli, żujący Robinie trampki xD

Wrzucam Jinx :3
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

wylatują różowe promienie

wrzucam kosmonautów
Wylatują kosmici

Wrzucam żeeelkiii xD
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

Wylatują ciastka.

Wrzucam ołówek.
Wylatują kredki

wrzucam farby
Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep
And carry you down into sleep.
~Heather Dale, Mordred's Lullaby

Wstąp w moje ciemności...

wylatuje pędzel

wrzucam płyty DVD
Wylatują płyty CD

Wrzucam trybik Cyborga
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
Wylatuję mini komputer. Gwiazdka :D

Wrzucam Robina Robin B-)
W życiu bowiem istnieją rzeczy, o które warto walczyć do samego końca.

Młodzi Tytani <3

Robin :) Luzak Robin :O Robin B-)

Gwiazdka ^^' Gwiazdka :D Gwiazdka :] ;O ;[

Bestia :P Bestia ;) Bestia -o-

Raven :-[ Raven :-/

Booya! Cyborg :| Cyborg :( 8P Cyborg -_-



Wylatuje Gwiazdka Gwiazdka :D
A co wrzucasz, gapcio? Bestia :P

Wrzucam doktora Changa! (BLE!)
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
wylatuje Brat Krwiak

wrzucam Żądło
Wylatuje zdechła pszczoła xD

Wrzucam kilof
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
wylatuje nożyk Bestia :P

wrzucam kolce
Wylatuję kaktus Bestia :P

Wrzucam czekoladę!
W życiu bowiem istnieją rzeczy, o które warto walczyć do samego końca.

Młodzi Tytani <3

Robin :) Luzak Robin :O Robin B-)

Gwiazdka ^^' Gwiazdka :D Gwiazdka :] ;O ;[

Bestia :P Bestia ;) Bestia -o-

Raven :-[ Raven :-/

Booya! Cyborg :| Cyborg :( 8P Cyborg -_-



Wylatuję JA! (patrz moja sygnaturka)

Wrzucam Creepy!
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
wylatuje kakao. !

wrzucam Gacka... xD
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