Zobacz temat
MŁODY Bestia :P
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
malutka "siostrzyczka" Bestia :P
młody "Braciszek " Bestia :P
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
offtop Neli w tym temacie Bestia :P
upierdliwość Bestia :P
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
wredota! Bestia :P

PS: Idę z psem, jak wrócę chciałbym widzieć efekt poszukiwań w "Rudym kogucie" Bestia :P
Idziesz spać Bestia :P !!

kłamstwo Bestia :P
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
Wróciłem i wcale nie spałem Bestia :P

Kłamstwo na temat kłamstwa Bestia :P
spałeś Bestia :P!!
kolejne kłamstwo Bestia :P
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
Tak, kolejne kłamstwo... w Twoim wykonaniu Bestia :P
upór Bestia :P
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
"I'm gonna use you and abuse you.
I'm gonna know what's inside.
Gonna use you and abuse you.
I'm gonna know what's inside you."

szczekanie (mojego psa na alkoholików)
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