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Na to pytanie odpowiadam za siebie, i za Gwiazdeczkę - plastyka.

Kwiaty czy krzewy?
" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."
I za mnie Robin :)

Kwiaty - przynajmniej (na ogół) nie kłują... A krzewy - już ja coś o tym wiem Bestia :P

Kapusta czy sałata?
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
No dobra, za Jinx też odpowiadamGwiazdka :D


Groszek czy fasola?
" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."
Yyyyy... Co powoduje mniejsze "efekty uboczne"...
Strzelam... (pewnie na odwrót)

Pióro czy długopis żelowy?
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!

Jabłko - zimowe czy papierówka?
" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."
Jabłko zimowe.

Bigos czy gulasz?
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!

Truskawka czy malina?
" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."

Gruszka czy limonka?
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
Oj Ty!!!!!!! Maliny lepszeXD


Ogień czy woda?
" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."
Ogień. Nigdy nie jest zimny Robin :)

Łoś czy jeleń?
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!

Włosy czy oczy?
" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."

wampir czy wilkołak ?

Szybki czy Wodnik?
" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."
Eeemm... Nie było innych w sklepie xD? Wodnik, z nim się idzie dogadać

Szynszyl czy myszoskoczek?

Art w avatarze: Joker from Persona 5 (official art)

kot czy królik ?

Cięcie nożem czy siekanie tasakiem? [ skojarz z metodami likwidacji bliźniego]
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!

Góry czy morze?
" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."
Hmmm... Spadanie do przepaści czy topienie się na głębi?

Wolę szybką i, miejmy nadzieję, bezbolesną śmierć w wyniku rozciapciania o ziemię. A zatem góry!

Szydełkowanie czy zwykłe szycie?
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!

" Będzie żyła tak długo, dopóki nie przestaniesz jej kochać..."

A propos, o ile dobrze pamiętam, byłam pierwszą osobą która użyła tego zdrobnienia... Bo w zamieeeerzchłej przeszłości Insy=Ravenei16 Gwiazdka :D

Klej czy taśma? [no coments]
The makers of Azarath and Metrion are proud to introduce ...


New and improved Zinthos gives you exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. And because it's blue, Zinthos goes with everything.
Zinthos isn't right for everyone and may cause bloating, cramping, hair loss, disturbing visions, fits of rage, and the growth of additional eyes. Children under three should not be exposed to Zinthos. Do not get Zinthos wet, and never feed it after midnight. If you experience trouble meditating, stop saying "Zinthos" and consult your ancient scrolls immediately.

New blue Zinthos!
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