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X czy Y?
a, tesco xD

kosiarka czy sierp?

tralala czy mvhaha?

All hail Trigon

hipopotam czy nosorożec?
mvhaha Bestia :P
Booya! czy 8P
Booya! !

raven-mlodzi-tytani czy tt zgoOn ? Bestia :P <lol2>
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
Trudny wybór...
Wszystkie lubię po równo, więc niech oba będą Bestia :P

Zabić królika czy zostać zabitym przez królika?
yhy, uwaga bo uwierzę Bestia :P

zostać zabitym przez królika Bestia :P

wyszczotkować kota czy wykąpać psa?
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
Na serio

wykąpać psa

Zgubić się w mieście czy w lesie?
w mieście Bestia :P w lesie są beboki xdd

aloes czy kłujący kaktus?
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
mucha czy komar?

wyjechać na wieś czy zostać w domu? (wakacje)
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
zostać w domu
siano czy coś podobnego do siana co ma inną nazwę?
siano XD

surówka czy sałata?
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
roślina czy owoc?

sok czy napój?
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
tata czy mama?

jajko czy jajecznica? Bestia :P
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
jajko Bestia :P
struś czy kura?

frytki czy nuggetsy ?
'Przyjaciele są tyle warci, ile po nich pozostaje'.
"You say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you
And you think there's not enough love
And no one to give it to
And you're sure you've hurt for so long
You've got nothing left to lose
So you say you're not gonna fight
'Cause no one wanna fight for you."
gąbka czy ser?
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